News & Blogs


Under the Weather: Ground-based Doppler Radar

Relax with a down-to-Earth remote sensing blog!


Horizontally Mobile: Tracking Human Activity

Going from mobile location services to geospatial insights.


Why use AI: Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning

If you've been keeping tabs on the growing field of artificial intelligence, you might have come across a few terms or concepts that you're unfamiliar with, how they function, and how they might be applicable to you. Here's an opportunity to explore a few of those key concepts...


The World That Never Sleeps: Remote Sensing of Nighttime Lights

Who'd have thought street lights could be so useful?


What is GIS?

GIS - you've almost certainly used it, but do you know what it is?


When Data Met Time: An Unlikely Love Story

With the addition of time, data goes from static to temporal or even time series. Find out how this can empower your data...


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning demystified

Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most ubiquitous yet least understood term on the internet in recent years. What exactly is it?


What is Remote Sensing?

Ever wanted to learn about remote sensing by reading...


Remote Sensing Game

Ever wanted to learn about remote sensing through playing games...


Predictive Modelling in Archaeology – Introduction

When people think about archaeology, they often picture Indiana Jones or people in a desert excavating dinosaurs.


Introducing Geospatial Technology & Research Ltd!

Introducing Geospatial Technology & Research Ltd! We are a geospatial technology company that specialises in helping businesses improve productivity and decision making.